Tag Archives: trial

Prayer (2): God hears the prayers of the imperfect

pouring out tears

Synopsis: The answer is always God, but will God hear me? How many times have we felt like imposters? From the outside, everyone else seems to have “it” together. We show up with shame and guilt in our hearts and we just don’t know how to articulate our emotions. We’ve recently considered that God is […]

Learn the Prayer of Lament

Psalm 13 prayer journal

Turning pain into praise Feelings of heartbreaking sorrow once ruled my heart. More than anything I wanted to feel hope and joy again. Shockingly, I sincerely believed that I never would. God has shown me otherwise. Joy and praise now have a big space in my heart and God is enthroned once again. How was […]

Growing and being refined by trial, to better find compassion

Winnowing chaff from grain

An interview with an older sister This sister grew up under very difficult circumstances, with her mother dying while she was a young adolescent and her family passing through very dark valleys of life. She has borne heavy burdens of grief, scarcity, pain, and chronic illness. God, through her experiences, has made her hand wise […]

The consolation of God, the antidote to the cares of this life

cares of this life

How do you feel in the ever-increasing complexity and pressures of life? I’m constantly exhausted and often find a multitude of thoughts running through my mind all day and intruding my resting hours as I lie in bed at night. Questions, problems, planning solutions. My hopes, my fears, and my desires all jostle each other […]

Miscarriage — The bitter and the sweet

miscarriage despair

Excitement and hope in a marriage Marriage brings so much hope for a new couple, as it did for us. Our life together stretched out in front of us — full of hopes and dreams. For me, as with many young sisters, my dreams were quietly wrapped up in the hope of being a mother. […]

Stress isn’t all bad. How you think about it makes the difference.

Half the world is enduring some form of Covid-19 experience; some devastatingly bad, some extremely positive, most in the middle somewhere. For different reasons, a common reaction is stress. Covid aside, stress is a regular problem for many people. By stress, we mean our response to those things that demand we respond in some way. […]