Talking with God: Resources

Following is a list of resources referred to in the book Talking with God.

It contains:

  • Downloads that you can make use of in your personal or ecclesial use
  • Articles that expand upon matters covered in the book
  • Other tools that may assist you in building your relationship with the Father and His Son.



Turn your reading of the book Talking with God into a practical experience using this workbook to implement the principles you learn. Free Downloads.

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Prayers in the Bible

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This Excel file contains every reference to prayer in the Bible, including all prayers.



Survey filesA survey we used to evaluate the common problem we have with prayer, Bible study and meditation.

Zipped file for download.


Time log

Time Log fileA time sheet for keeping a log of time spent on every activity during the day.

PDF download


Supporting articles

The following articles support the exposition covered in the book, Talking with God

Reference link updates

References cited in the book, broken links, updates etc.

Other supporting tools

My Prayers and My Prayer Journal

My Prayers and My Prayer JournalThese are printed versions of the tools used in the Workbook and MyPrayers app. Nicely bound, more durable, and easier to maintain.

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MyPrayers app

MyPrayers app - iPhone and iPadThe MyPrayers app can be used on the iPhone and or iPad. It was designed using the principles in the book.

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