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MyPrayers Support

Our objective is to help you with your prayer life, and hope that you find MyPrayers will assist you to do that. This page will eventually have FAQs and tutorials for all versions of the app.

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We value feedback. Anything that will help improve the app.

But first, some terms we use to describe the different parts and functions of MyPrayers …


We use the following terms in explaining how MyPrayers works.


While we use the word “prayer” to refer to prayer generally, Prayer (with an initial capital P) in MyPrayers is referring to a Prayer or Prayers you set up within the app. We have provided three default Prayers:

  • Morning
  • Midday, and
  • Evening. 


Categories are really major areas of a prayer to help you formulate your prayer. Just as the Lord’s Prayer is structured into three major sections, Categories allow you to break up your Prayers into sections.


Under each“Category” we add “items” we wish to pray for. In MyPrayers, these specific items are called “Items”! They are basically titles for each matter for which you want to pray.


Notes provide the means for adding information to an Item we wish to pray for.

The basic structure

Diagrammatically, the structure looks like this:

Category: Family

Item: Sally

Note: Thanks for her dedication and care for others.

Note: Thanks for her service in the Gospel proclamation effort

Note: Help for her failing health


MyPrayers has three operation “modes” or areas you work in:

  1. Organiser mode: where you set up when, what, and how you want to pray
  2. Prayer Review mode: which allows you to review and select the Items and Notes you want to include in that particular prayer
  3. Prayer mode: a tool that uses the selected list of Items and Notes as a prompt in prayer.


At this stage, the FAQ answers relate to the iPhone only. We shall update to include iPad as soon as we can. In the meantime, it should be easy enough to navigate the differences.


It’s on the way! When it is available, we will announce it on this site. If you wish to be notified, please add your name to the list of those to be notified.

Yes, there is. It is available on the Apple App Store. The iOS version of My Prayers works on both the iPhone and the iPad.

It’s coming! At this stage, it will only be for the Mac. We’ll look at a Windows version at some stage if there is any call for it.

The Lord Jesus Christ said, “When you pray, enter into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret…” (Matthew 6:6). That’s why we have provided a way in which to keep your prayers private, even on your own phone. But iPads and iPhones do get given to others to use for one thing or another, so, in the spirit of the Lord’s words,  your private prayers are best kept private.

To set a security PIN

To set a password, you do the following:

Go to the Home page. If MyPrayers doesn’t open on the Home page, tap on the Home (house) icon bottom left. The Home button should be blue:

Home button

Tap on the More button at the top right. The More button looks like this:

More button

This opens the Settings page.

Settings page

Once on the Settings page, the first section is called PASSCODE with the single cell item with the title: Require Password. Tap on the slider button.

You are presented with a key pad on which you are requested to enter a four-digit PIN.

Create passcode

Enter the Pin Number you wish to use. You will be asked to enter that number again.

Re-enter Passcode

Once done, MyPrayers will now require you to enter that number every time you close and leave MyPrayers for more than 2 minutes.

Alternative: Face ID recognition

Rather than using the PIN, if you have Face Recognition on your device set up (see how, here), you can use Face ID to open MyPrayers. Once you have set the PIN, you should now see under the Require Passcode cell a new cell entitled “Use Face ID“.

You simply tap on the slide button next to Use Face ID (as shown below), and you’re ready to go.

Face ID turned on

The first time you open MyPrayers after you have set Face ID on, you will probably have to allow Face Recognition to work with MyPrayers. You will receive a notice like this:

Face Recognition notice

Tap on OK.

Each time you open MyPrayers now, you will need to ensure you show your face to the device’s camera. If it doesn’t proceed, the fallback is the Passcode.

To change the Passcode

If you have set up a passcode, you will now have on this page at the bottom of the PASSCODE section a new link called Change Passcode. Tap that and follow the instructions above.


For syncing to work between to devices, say your iPhone and your iPad, you need to ensure two things:

  1. That both devices have the same iCloud account
  2. You turn on iCloud Syncing on both devices.

So, having checked and made sure both devices share the same iCloud account, you must follow the following procedure for both devices and then all your MyPrayers data will sync between both devices.

Go to the Home page. If MyPrayers doesn’t open on the Home page, tap on the Home (house) icon bottom left. The Home button should be blue:

Home button

Tap on the More button at the top right. The More button looks like this:

More button

This opens the Settings page.

Settings page

Once on the Settings page, go down to SYNCING and the iCloud Sync cell.

Tap on the slide button to turn it on. 

Syncing turned on

Once you have turned syncing On for your other device, it should automatically work.

Set up

Open the Organiser (tap on the file, bottom right of your screen)

Scroll down to Prayer Settings.

There are three default prayers already there: Morning, Midday, Evening. 

If you want to add to this, do this:

While in the Organiser screen, tap on the plus sign [+] to the right of the Prayer Settings heading.

Tap on Name. Your keyboard should appear.

Type in the name you want to give this prayer. We will give it the name Special.

Now set the time, day of the week, and your alert time as shown above. 

Once you are back on the Add Prayer screen…

… tap on the word Add at the top right of the screen.

You have added a new Prayer.

If you are not in the Organiser, tap on the grey file icon bottom right. Once you are in the Organiser, scroll down to Prayer Settings, and tap on the Prayer you wish to set the time for.

To set the time:

Tap on Time. The standard iOS time setter will appear. Set it to the time you wish to give the Prayer.

To set the days you wish to give this Prayer:

Tap On Days and select which days you wish by tapping on each appropriate day of the week. Once done, exit by tapping on < Edit Prayer top left of your screen.

To receive reminders:

Tap on the select button to the right of Reminder.

To set up an alert:

Tap on Alert, and select from the list of times available by tapping on the appropriate time. Once done, tap on < Edit Prayer

Once you have finshed your set up, tap on Done top right of your screen. 

You have now set up the time for the prayer, a reminder and alert if selected.


To illustrate this, we shall add a Category called Praise.

Go to the Organiser  (if you are not already in there, tap on the file icon, which should turn from grey to blue)

Tap on the blue button with the white plus sign to the right of the Categories heading.

Tap on Name. Your keyboard should appear. 

Type in the name you wish to give this Category. For example in our illustration, we shall type in “Praise”.

Tap on Prayers. Your screen will open at the Select Prayers screen. Here you select all the prayers you wish to add the Category to.

Tap on < Back at the top left of the screen.

Tap on Sort Type. The Order Type screen should open.

This is where you select how the Category items will be available to you when in Prayer Preview mode (when you prepare the items you wish to pray for at prayer time).

Following is a brief explanation (for more details check the tutorials or specific FAQ questions on these functions. 


By default, Manual is selected. As the explanation says, when commencing a prayer (during the Prayer Preview process), you manually select the items under this category that you wish to pray for.


This option allows you to rotate consecutively through a list of Items within the Category according to a predefined number each time you pray. If you choose this functionality, two options become available under Sort Type once you get back to that screen:

  • Items Per Prayer
  • Show empty items

Check the FAQ or tutorial for explanations and how to set these.


Random operates similarly to the Consecutive option, but instead of rotating in order through your list, it selects from the list randomly. If you select this option and go back to the Add Category screen you will find you have the same options available to you as you did for the Consecutive options (eg., Items Per Prayer, and Show empty items).

Tap on < Add Category.

From here you can select from the list of colours available to give your Category a colour.

Tap on Add at the top right of your screen.

The Categor has now been added.

Yes, you can. 

Go to the Organiser (tap on the file icon bottom right of your screen)

Tap on the Category you wish to change colour. 

Tap on the ellipsis icon (blue with three white dots) at the top right-hand side of the screen.

You should see a list of available colours in the bottom half of the screen. Tap on the colour you wish to use for that category.

When finished, tap on Done (top right).

If you are not in the Organiser, tap on the grey file icon bottom right, which should turn blue. Once in the Organiser, tap on the Category under which you wish to add an Item.

Tap on the big coloured plus button at the bottom right of your device’s screen. The colour will be the same as the Category colour you have assigned it.

You now have three options available:

Tap on Add Item. Type in a Title for your item. 

If you wish, you can add any Notes you may have for this Item by taping on Add Note. Once finished, tap on Add (top right)

Your Item should now be added.

If you are not in the Organiser, tap on the grey file icon bottom right, which should turn blue. Once in the Organiser, tap on the Category under which you wish to add an Item.

Tap on the big coloured plus button at the bottom right of your device’s screen. The colour will be the same as the Category colour you have assigned it.

You now have three options available:

Tap on Add From Contacts. You will be taken through to your Contacts screen. Select each name you wish to add by tapping on the name. Any names you select will have the circle to the left of the name turn blue with a white tick in it. Once you have completed adding names, tap on Done at the top right of the screen.

You should be brought back to the Category page with all the names you added from your Contacts address book as an Item.


Go to the Organiser (the file icon bottom right of your screen)

Tap on the Category that contains the prayer Items you wish to reorder.

Tap and hold the Item cell you wish to move. The Item cell should indicate that it is moveable (it gets smaller and then larger than the other Items in the list). You should then be able to move the Item up or down the list. Once it’s where you want, lift your finger off the Item cell and it should settle into place.

Tap on the < Back link to get out of that screen.

If you are not in the Organiser, tap on the grey file icon bottom right of you screen, which should then turn blue. 

Tap on the Category containing the Item for which you wish to add a Note.

Tap on the Item. 

Tap on the big coloured Plus button at the bottom right of the screen. 

In the Add Note screen add your note to the field using your device’s keyboard. Once done, tap on Add at the top right of your screen.

Your Note should now be added to the Item.

Prayer Review and Prayer Views

More than likely it will be because you have no Notes attached to any Items in the Category when you have set your Category to rotate consecutively or randomly through your list of Items. It’s not a problem to have Items without Notes, but you need to add a setting.

To fix this, go to the Organiser (tap on the grey file icon bottom right of your screen). Tap on the Category you are having the problem with. 

Tap on the More icon (round circle with the three dots at the top right of your screen). Go down to Show Empty Items and tap on the slide selector to turn it on. Tap on Done (top right) to exit. 

You should now be able to see this Category and its Items in Prayer Review and Prayer View modes.

While you are in Prayer Review mode, you are able to add Notes to an Item. 

Simply tap on the Item to which you wish to add a Note. Then tap on the blue button with the words Add Note + that appears. Add your Note using the device’s keyboard. Once finished, tap on Done at the top right of your screen. Your Note will appear at the top of your Item. It will appear perminantly in that Item from then on, until you delete it in the Organiser view.

Setting Light or Dark mode is only available once you have completed the Prayer Review process. At the top of the screen that says Start Prayer, is the selection options. Once you select an option for a particular prayer, your Prayer screen will always display in that mode until you change it.

You are able to choose to print your Prayer from the Prayer Summary screen that contains the big blue Start Prayer button. At the top right, just above the Light/Dark mode options is the Share icon. Tap on that, scroll down to Print and tap that cell, and as long as your device is connected to a printer, you should be able to print out your prayer.


We have the following tutorials to help you get started with MyPrayers:

MyPrayers on an iPhone
iPhone tutorials for MyPrayers

  1. Setting up MyPrayers on an iPhone: Looking at the Organiser
  2. Prayer Review Mode on an iPhone: Reviewing and preparing for your prayer
  3. Prayer View Mode on an iPhone: Using MyPrayers as a prompt tool for your prayers

MyPrayers on an iPadiPad tutorials for MyPrayers

  1. Setting up MyPrayers on an iPad: Looking at the Organiser
  2. Prayer Review Mode on an iPad: Reviewing and preparing for your prayer
  3. Prayer View Mode on an iPad: Using MyPrayers as a prompt tool for your prayers


We would appreciate your comments, suggestions, and any bug reports you may have. 

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