This book takes us on a journey of self-examination in relation to sin, repentance, and forgiveness, and their effect on us and others. It is a topic crucial for each disciple of Christ to understand in their journey from ‘dead in our trespasses’ to ‘alive together with Christ’. The path takes us from recognition of the problem of sin to relief from its bondage through the loving provision of our heavenly Father — the wonder of forgiveness.
The author explains in the preface the origin of the book began with him being moved by several articles by John Carter in the book, Delight in God’s Law. One of those articles is entitled, “The Wonder of Forgiveness”. The message of these articles formed the foundation for a series of talks. The response to the subject matters raised in these talks showed him that there was a need for more on this subject in the brotherhood. Some nine years later, this is the result!
The purpose of the book is to assist the reader, not only to comprehend the wonder of forgiveness, but how forgiveness can become effective for changing a person’s entire outlook. As the author puts it, this is not just for the lost sheep, but also for the ninety and nine.
It rapidly becomes clear that to maximise benefit from this book, we must read it with scrupulous honesty, both with ourselves and regarding our natural desires. Any other approach will limit its effectiveness in allowing us to challenge ourselves against the plumb line of our Lord Jesus Christ. In doing this, we will then reap the benefit of the transformational nature of this subject (though, to call it a ‘subject’ underplays its imperative in our relationship with our heavenly Father).
The book begins by reflecting on the idealism with which we commence our discipleship of Christ, looking for personal transformation. For many, if not all of us, what follows is a struggle. Three scenarios are depicted as typical:
- I just can’t live the life
- Do we really change?
- Is the ecclesia really a haven?
In each of these, forgiveness is the key: “Forgiveness has the power for change.”
The rest of the book takes us on a journey through the scriptural process required for the forgiveness that brings change, and its impact on us. First, to recognise the problem of sin: it begins with a need for self-examination, an identification of the source of the problem that damages our relationship with God. Doing this requires brutal honesty to understand God’s view of sin. Our wrestling for control follows, the mental battle to justify our failing, before recognising that is what it is — failure — but there is hope.
The second part of the process (and section of the book) is an exploration of the only place we can find an answer to our problem of sin — God’s answer. The clarity of recognising that sin is our problem is followed by the beauty of God’s answer to that problem. It is an answer born out of love, an unbounded love, a love sealed in covenant. This covenant was established through the begetting of a son who ‘came into the world to save sinners’, a son who was given because of God’s love, a son through whom we are reconciled, and all our needs are met. The section concludes by reminding us that God has done all in His power, but there remains one party that can stand in the way — one’s self.
The third section is an exploration of the impact of forgiveness on our lives, the experience of forgiveness. It is this section particularly that opens up the personal significance and effect of forgiveness. It begins by taking us through the scriptural process of repentance. Both David and the ‘sinful’ woman of Luke 7 are used as powerful examples of forgiven sinners. The author draws special attention to Psalms 32 and 51 and how David, moved by the Spirit, expresses his confession and repentance, and describes the heart God desires to see in us. The contrast between Simon the Pharisee and the ‘woman who was a sinner’ show the woman being ‘forgiven much’ through her love.
Part 4 is entitled ‘The power of forgiveness’. Here the real impact of forgiveness is impressed upon us. The myriad biblical terms for forgiveness are explored for their meaning, both words and metaphors, reflecting the wonder of God’s love in not counting sin against the repentant sinner. The effect of the knowledge that our sin is forgiven has a direct impact on us, but also on our relationship with others, including our heavenly Father. The internal impact is a happiness and peace; the external, unity with God, and a desire to help others. This is balanced against the impact of the realisation we have sinned and the example of David in how he responded to that knowledge. Several questions are considered including specific chapters on ‘How do I know that my sin is forgiven?’, and, ‘How oft should I forgive my brother?’ This section, and the book, conclude with thoughts on love, its power and victory, both in relation to God and our ‘neighbour’, the outworking in our lives of the forgiveness we’ve received.
A scripture and subject index are included, with bibliography, several short appendices and some recommendations for further study.
Overall, the author sensitively but powerfully handles the issue of sin and the nature, blessedness, power, and wonder of forgiveness. Scripture underpins the author’s examination, but psychology and behavioural aspects are also included.
You may gather from this brief review that the book differs from the vast majority of Christadelphian publications, not just in its subject matter, but also in its style. Whilst it may not be a book that you would initially consider picking up to read, I would highly commend it to you. The forgiveness of God and our belief in it is transformational. The early chapters are the most confronting and it is imperative to continue reading to find the answer to the impossibility of our situation. The subject is urgently important for every disciple of Christ, and we all benefit from meditating on the wonder of forgiveness. This book provides a structure for us to do so.
The book is available from The Christadelphian Office, CSSS, or from
Books available:
The Wonder of Forgiveness is now available as an ebook. The soft-cover version is also available.

Author: David Bailey
A book that can help you see and be moved by the wonder in God’s forgiveness.
Easy to read, yet comprehensive.
Extensive Subject and Biblical Indexes.
7 Illustrations.
Soft cover books

A book that can help you see and be moved by the wonder in God’s forgiveness.
248 pages. Easy to read, yet comprehensive.
Extensive Subject and Biblical Indexes.
7 Illustrations.