Classic Christadelphian Books
recorded in chapter-length episodes

About Christadelphian Classics

Wilderness Voice has pleasure in providing Christadelphian Classics for your edification. This is a new project that we hope will develop into a library of audio recordings of Christadelphian books, some old that have endured, and some more modern, but all favourites because of their helpfulness.

These recordings are provided in parts, usually in chapters, so you can listen to a single session while driving, doing the ironing, or while sitting down for a cuppa.

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Classic Christadelphian books for your edification

Principles and Proverbs

By Islyp Collyer

Principles and Proverbs by Islip Collyer
Principles and Proverbs has been a favourite for many years. An often quoted book for its penetrating insights into human nature, its wisdom, advice, and explanaton of biblical principles.


The Blood of Christ

By Robert Roberts

The Blood of Christ
The Blood of Christ has stood the test of time. It lucidly explains the complexities of the atonement, a doctrine that stands Christadelphians apart from Christianity. A simple but powerful read.


Nazareth Revisited

By Robert Roberts

Nazareth Revisited by Robert Roberts

What a valuable book Nazareth Revisited has been to the Brotherhood! Closely following the biblical record, it is at once exposition, exhortation, and commentary on the life and works of Jesus Christ. 


Elpis Israel

By John Thomas

Elpis Israel by John Thomas

Elpis Israel is truly a Christadelphian Classic—a foundation book of great value in assisting many to understand the Scriptures.

John Carter apparently read it once a year to remind him of the first principles.


Coming up…

My Days and My Ways