Category Archives: Personal issues

Directly dealing with issues brothers and sisters and their families are facing

A personal perspective on depression


6     I am bowed down and brought very low; all day long I go about mourning. 7     My back is filled with searing pain; there is no health in my body. 8     I am feeble and utterly crushed; I groan in anguish of heart. 9     All my longings lie open before you, O Lord; my sighing is not hidden […]

Doubting Thomas — or Thomas, a man of faith?

doubt or faith

Was Thomas really a doubter? Or, was he a man of faith? Wilderness Voice · Thomas: A man of faith by Glen Davies You can listen to this post, or if you prefer, you can read it below. The dilemma of a sceptical mind I often look on with envy when I see and hear […]

The consolation of God, the antidote to the cares of this life

cares of this life

How do you feel in the ever-increasing complexity and pressures of life? I’m constantly exhausted and often find a multitude of thoughts running through my mind all day and intruding my resting hours as I lie in bed at night. Questions, problems, planning solutions. My hopes, my fears, and my desires all jostle each other […]

Miscarriage — The bitter and the sweet

miscarriage despair

Excitement and hope in a marriage Marriage brings so much hope for a new couple, as it did for us. Our life together stretched out in front of us — full of hopes and dreams. For me, as with many young sisters, my dreams were quietly wrapped up in the hope of being a mother. […]

Stress isn’t all bad. How you think about it makes the difference.

Half the world is enduring some form of Covid-19 experience; some devastatingly bad, some extremely positive, most in the middle somewhere. For different reasons, a common reaction is stress. Covid aside, stress is a regular problem for many people. By stress, we mean our response to those things that demand we respond in some way. […]