The Voice beckons us into the wilderness that we may prepare the way for our God.

Let us, then, step aside from the hustle and bustle, the noise, the clutter,
and give ourselves the time to think upon our God and His ways,
and build a relationship with Him.

The Voice

Regular thought-pieces and articles to help build our relationship with God.

Hid Treasure

A repository of resources for your use and spiritual benefit.


Publications, apps, and more for your spiritual edification

New from Wilderness Voice

Talking with God soft-cover book

Talking with God

This new book considers the problems we have with prayer and provides scriptural answers. In so doing, it helps us build our relationship with our God.

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MyPrayers and My Prayer Journal

Tools to help our prayer life

These two books are useful tools to help give practical application to the principles discussed in the book Talking with God.

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The Kingdom Vision Project

Kingdom Vision Project 2020

Book available.

A collection of personal visions about the Kingdom of God.
Written descriptions, poems, thoughts, drawings and paintings by young and old.

A digital version (PDF) is now available.

Christadelphian Classics
Check it out now

The latest Classics podcast…

Elpis Israel by John ThomasElpis Israel

by John Thomas

Elpis Israel is truly a Christadelphian Classic—a foundation book of great value in assisting many to understand the Scriptures.

John Carter apparently read Elpis Israel each year in order to reappraise himself with the first principles.

A new ebook

Wonder of Forgiveness ebook available
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A new music audio

Word in Season Promo
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Latest from The Voice :


When we think of the teaching of our Lord, vulnerability may not be the first [...]


Speaking truth

I was blessed to spend a weekend with some young people some months ago talking [...]

Elpis Israel and its impact

After my baptism I was presented with a copy of Elpis Israel written by Brother [...]

4. Obedient Children

This is the fourth in a series of articles on Family Life by Ben Pitcher [...]

An appeal in troubled times (3): The oneness that binds

So far, we have seen our problems with polarisation and bias and that we must [...]

An appeal in troubled times (2): The bias that blinds

In our previous article we saw how trial exposes us and how easily we sink [...]

An appeal in troubled times (1): The test of true love

“He broke my house!” shouted the child, shattering the peace and looking desperately for me [...]

3. Caring Mothers

This is the third in a series of articles on Family Life by Ben Pitcher [...]