Category Archives: Reviews

Reviews of books, tools, resources that may be of spiritual help.

Elpis Israel and its impact

Elpis Israel by John Thomas

After my baptism I was presented with a copy of Elpis Israel written by Brother John Thomas in 1849. Seven years later I attended an Elpis Israel Class in the centre of Birmingham. The Bible was presented in a way that I had not heard before. It came alive. It was a thrilling rediscovery of […]

A review of “The Wonder of Forgiveness” by David Bailey

Wonder of Forgiveness

This book takes us on a journey of self-examination in relation to sin, repentance, and forgiveness, and their effect on us and others. It is a topic crucial for each disciple of Christ to understand in their journey from ‘dead in our trespasses’ to ‘alive together with Christ’. The path takes us from recognition of […]